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Online Reputation Management Company

Our Online Reputation Management Services

Whether your company is under an organized attack by a competitor or facing general issue involving negative reviews that come naturally from having a large clientele, our online reputation management services can help.

At Brandconn Digital, we take pride in being a goal oriented and result driven online reputation management company based in India with state of the art infrastructure, competent team and a proven track record.

We discretely work with a number of corporates, brands and famous personalities to deal with the negative business reviews, sneaky competitors, disgruntled employees or, sometimes, a disheartened customer.

Our online reputation management (ORM) services proactively monitor and manage your brand’s reputation and provide actionable insights. We enable what people see when they search for your brand online. Your reputation is your most valuable asset. Protect it with our proven online reputation management and monitoring services.

Platinum Package

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Is your business losing customers due to negative search results in Google or Bing?

What We Do

As a leading online reputation management company in India, We manage, monitor and report the most important aspects of your online reputation, keeping you on top of what is being said about your company or brand online.


Online Reputation Analysis

We assess major online reputation problems with your brand be it in Google searches, bad reviews, social mentions or negative business listings.


Custom Strategy Development

Once real problems with your online reputation are identified, we’ll devise a custom reputation management strategy to deal with those challenges.


Reputation Monitoring and Reporting

We monitor your online brand reputation and provide actionable insights. Proactive monitoring helps nipping any negative publicity in the bud.


Fixing Google Search Results

As part of our online reputation management service, we suppress the negative search results from Google and show the positive picture.


Manage Brand Searches

At Brandconn, we streamline your web presence to let your audience read only the ‘good’ things about your business when searched in Google.


Manage Reviews and Ratings

We proactively monitor reviews about your business, appreciate the positive one and report negative reviews for proper response.

Our Promise: Suppress negative publicity, promote positive image

Guaranteed Positive Results

We provide guaranteed positive results that means we are able to supress negative publicity about your brand and promote a positive image.

100% Transparency

We do not use any black hat tactic or shortcut that might be detrimental to your business in long run. We provide complete work done report so you know what has been done.

No Long Term Contract

We have confidence in our service and our ability to show positive results. We do not bind you in a long term contract to see results. You get progressive month on month report.

Custom Designed Strategy

One size doesn’t fit all. Each business is unique and so is our online reputation management strategy for each business or brand.

Our Online Reputation Management Process

Reputation Audit

We start with a detailed reputation audit of your brand and produce a report that gives you insight about your brand positioning, negative, positive or neutral image.

Define Reputation Strategy

Based on your current positioning and whether you are under an organized attack by a competitor or facing general issue involving negative reviews, we devise a custom reputation management strategy for your business.

Web Properties Development

Next we move on with the implementation of reputation management strategy for your brand. We create suitable platform required to help with the reputation crisis.

Reviews & Ratings

We draw a bigger line of positive reviews and ratings to dwarf the negative one.

Setup Reputation Monitoring

We deploy powerful reputation monitoring tool that collects data across the online platforms such as blogs, articles, news, social media, video and virtually anywhere over internet.

Analysis & Reporting

We collect and analyse all data and present to you in meaningful format for management review process. We keep you updated with how your reputation is getting better.

online reputation management company India

Our Reputation Monitoring Tool

Online Reputation Monitoring Made Easy

Get control of what people are saying about your brand &take action in real time with our world class online reputation monitoring tool.


Our online brand reputation monitoring tool

Who We Work With


What is online reputation management?

When users search about your company or brand over the internet, what they find about you is how they perceive you to be. This is your online reputation.


Online reputation management is the strategic implementation of tactics to amplify your positive content & stories and suppress the negative ones. Online reputation management services (ORM Services) help you build a positive reputation for your brand or repair a negative one.

Why online reputation management is critical for my business?

According to Edelman Insights, two out of three people see the Internet as the most reliable source of information about a person or a business.


In this age and time when most people are turning to the internet to help them decide on their purchase, business, career, or anything for that matter, the online reputation of your business can not be ignored.


Whether your online reputation is good or bad, it has a multiplier effect. Misleading or malicious content about your business if ranks high on search engines has greater chances of a user clicking over it, consuming it. This makes search engine algorithms see it as being real value and promote it further. User comments and reviews over this negative comment make it even worse.

What does a typical online reputation management service include?

Online reputation management services help you put your best foot forward. ORM services are a grand mix of technology, content, and communication. The major focus areas include but not limited to –


  • Reputation monitoring tool for collecting mentions about your business.
  • Creating web-based media profiles and later optimising them with the goal that they rank well on Google and other search engines.
  • Developing engaging and relevant content and promote it via various online mediums.
  • Creating positive PR about your business.
  • Brand Reviews & Ratings.
Is online reputation management and SEO the same thing?

The goals and objectives of online reputation management are different from that of SEO and so are the tactics used to deliver these services.


In search engine optimisation (SEO), the aim is to rank a particular website up higher in the search results on multiple keywords/key-phrases/search terms to maximise the exposure for the company and generate more leads or visibility.


In online reputation management goal is just upside down. The aim is to rank a collection of websites or media profiles up higher on page #1 so when your brand name-related searches are made, you fill the first page of Google with only positive content or stories about your brand.

How long does it take to improve my online reputation?

There is no set answer for this. It depends on multiple factors such as the current situation of your brand reputation, how negatively it is affected, whether some passive links are lying inactive for years, or is there an active attempt to malign your brand reputation, etc. Some businesses see results within a month or two while others may not see substantial improvements in 6 months to 1 year.


The best way to approach online reputation management services is to ask for a quick audit of your current online reputation. Based on this assessment a custom ORM strategy may be required for your brand and the timelines for various milestones can be defined

Why should I Choose Brandconn for online reputation management services?

Online reputation management is a highly specialised job where you can only rely on experts. Knowing “What not to do” is as important as knowing “What to do”. With our decade of experience in handling online reputation for global clients, we have learnt the skills, developed the processes, and delivered the results. We can put the wealth of this experience to work for your business too.


Here are some promises we make-

  • Guaranteed results – Suppress negative results and promote positive ones.
  •  No Shortcuts – All our work is 100% ethical and sustainable for the long term.
  •  100% Confidentiality – The fact that we are working on improving your reputation is confidential forever.
  • No Long term contract – We provide monthly progressive reports where you see how your positive reputation is improving. You only pay on monthly basis and there is no lock-in contract or commitment required.


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