In today’s scenario twitter has become the most powerful marketing platform for every business. Hence, there is a huge competition among marketers to get more & more followers with high engagement rate in order to promote their respective products & services on this platform. Here are some of the tools which can leverage the Twitter marketing campaign of businesses & can increase productivity with some smart strategies.
Buffer :
Buffer is a very smart tool which helps you to schedule your tweets uniformly throughout the day when your followers are online. Sometimes when you forget to schedule your tweet, that time it will very helpful for you, also it is scheduling your tweet at peak times of the day to get more engagement form your followers.
Bitly :
Bitly is much more than a URL shortener . It helps us to keep track on the clicks on the links. The links can be shared directly to your Twitter & other social media accounts from its dashboard.
Crowdfire :
Crowdfire helps you reach out to the right people, and helps to make boost your social network. It is an amazing tool to keep track of your followers, unfollowers & inactive accounts you may want to unfollow. Sometimes some profile has been irrelevant, it helps to lean up your account regularly & helps you to flush out irrelevant profile you are following & connect with more relevant followers who are interested in your tweets.
Followerwonk :
FollowerWonk is an awesome tool provided by Moz, it can help us to analyse profile, Search Bios, Compare profiles, Sort & Track out followers & give valuable insights of Twitter profiles. We can also use it for social media management tool. It is also help to grow your social graph and more engagement with your followers.
Hootsuite :
Hootsuite is a very useful tool for us, generally it is known as a social media management tool which helps you to update multiple social networks. Hootsuit also has an app which can track all your social media analytics including in real time on the go on your mobile. It is manage social networks, schedule messages, engage your audiences, and measure ROI right from the dashboard. :
Paper.Li is an awesome curation tool which automatically collects posts & tweets & organizes them in a newspaper format. Curation tool means, a range of activities and processes done to create, manage, maintain, and validate a component. You can tap into this powerful tool to curate contents from industry influencers & publish them on your site & social media at the click of a button!
Triberr :
Tribber is a social network tool only for bloggers, which connects bloggers with compatible bloggers in their respective niche. You can build a healthy relationship with each other by constantly sharing their posts & vice versa. This will eventually increase the reach of your blog & your content will go viral.
Tweriod :
Tweriod is an awesome tool which can analyze your followers & deduct the best time to tweet when your audience is online. I think this tool is very important for every marketer or strategist to maintain their crucial time, it gives you a signal, don’t want to post or tweet when your fans are sleeping which simply defeats the whole purpose of your marketing campaign.
Twitterfeed :
Twitterfeed is a very important tool for every marketer in order to increase their reach. It posts your RSS feeds automatically into Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn every time they are updated. You have to just simply plug-in your feed URL & you are done! Another cool feature of Twitter Feed is that you can even customize your tweets & add relevant “Hashtags” to get more engagements.