While there are many on-site issues that almost every marketer will be aware of, there are still some that one can easily miss. To prevent this from happening, here’s a look at what you might be missing when it comes to onsite SEO issues:
- Too much listing- It is not that every kind of listing will be harmful. Lists which have some value to users are great, but then lists having random short phrases, and other such things can be a negative
- Cloaking accidental or any other kind- This is a practice that can get you into trouble with Google. You may not always do it on purpose, but you have to be careful about this. Off-screen content due to poorly formatted CSS can lead to users not seeing it, maybe you use the same text and background color or your content is hidden or covered by your Java Script. All these are examples of cloaking by accident and should be avoided.
- Your links have no anchors: This also comes under accidental cloaking and is something that many may miss if not careful.
- While many might think that formatting or adding bold or italics to their keywords is a good way to go, this is not often the case. Too much of this is also a bad thing for you.
- Frames: These are features that display content from other URLs on a single page. Google has even warned against using these frames and iframes too often.
- Linking to sites that are already penalized: While you may be getting more links, if Google thinks that they are from spammy sites, it can hurt your SEO. So remember to be only connected to authoritative sites that do not have any unethical means of optimizations in place.
- Use noindex rather than using nofollow tags: This is an important point, as nofollow tags can be bad for your overall ranks.
These are some main mistakes that can negatively affect your on-site SEO and, thus, should be avoided at all costs. We, at Brandconn Digital understand the importance of on-site factors and take every care to optimize the sites as per white hat techniques. If you are also looking for an outsource SEO partner agency to take care of the search marketing of your website, get in touch with us. With a pool of expert SEO professionals, we assure you of providing the best SEO services. You may also hire a dedicated SEO expert to take care of the SEO of your website.