How long should your blog post be? Content writers and SEO teams often need help deciding the optimum word limit. This blog is written after in-depth research into the topic to help them, and readers understand the significance of a good word length.
A blog is an incredible way to share your experiences, opinions, and beliefs. However, besides being creative expressions, blogs and articles are also written to compel website traffic, generate social media shares, and build backlinks.
How long should be a blog post?
The ideal blog post length is 1500-2500 words, with a safe spot at 2450. When you are within this average, your blogs and articles rank higher on search engine results and invite more social media shares and backlinks.
Although these numbers are great, there is no fixed rule for word length. This is because different topics need different depths of content. To decide the article length, consider why you are writing a blog and the type of blog you will create.
Let’s look into the correlation between blog word count and the type of content commonly written for:
- Less than 300 words: Blogs with less than 300 words are only sometimes recommended. Whenever they are created, they are mainly used to initiate discussion and invite comments. The length is not suitable for SEO or social media shares.
- 300-600 words: This average blog post length was once considered standard. However, it needs longer to rank higher on search engines, as it does not provide readers with detailed information.
- 600-800 words: This word limit is typically preferred in journalism and newspaper articles. Moreover, product descriptions and encyclopedia entries often fall within this window. These articles can help you get shares and backlinks.
- 1300-1700 words: Once you have created blog posts within this word range, you will find more social media shares and educational content, which will get you more backlinks. Influencers who create promotional posts frequently use this word length.
- 1700-2100 words :This is an ideal length for blog posts. You will see good opportunities for lead conversions and organic traffic from search engines in this range.
- 2300-2500: As assessed by search engines, this is called a golden blog post length. These articles are informative and have a higher chance of ranking at the top of search engines.
- 4000 words: Pillar pages and comprehensive guides are generally created using 4000 or more words. These blog posts are articles that include a topic in detail to foster authority.
Writing a blog post of this type will increase your chances of attracting the right traffic to your site and converting visitors into leads. Hire SEO experts in India to suggest your different blog topics with corresponding word lengths. They research getting the right keywords for blogs so writers craft intriguing and SEO-friendly content.
Key Questions for Determining Blog Post Length
Now that we have covered the basics of blog post length and SEO, let’s explore some key questions you should ask yourself when determining the ideal length for your content.
1. How to Determine the Ideal Blog Post Length?
If you find it challenging to decide the length of your article, consider a few things mentioned below.
2. What will be your blog topic and its comprehensiveness?
Expectations for content vary depending on the topic of your blog. A book blog will be different from a travel or fashion blog.
3. Who is the audience you’re writing for?
One of the best practices in evaluating the adequate length of an article is knowing and understanding your audience, highlighting the reader, and focusing on their intent. Think from their perspective and imagine how much information they need. Addressing these intricacies makes you more likely to decide the precise length of your article or blog post.
It is also essential to consider whether the audience is naïve or advanced topic experts. Their knowledge and expertise will encourage you to provide additional background information before tackling the topic you want to select and the number of words you want to include to make it a relevant blog.
4. What is your goal for creating a blog?
Your goals for creating a blog post may vary, such as ranking higher on search engines, getting enough social media shares, inviting traffic, boosting sales, and more. Once you know the purpose of writing a piece, you can adjust the scope of your blog post to align with your goals.
5. How long must your competing blog post rank on Search Engines?
Type the keyword associated with your topic into a search engine and reference ranking blogs to see how detailed they are.
Afterward, ensure you do an average blog post length count for the articles. This will let you know the length of articles search engines find appropriate for ranking at the top.
Google’s algorithm prefers more content than shorter content posts. Quality matters a lot. If you create and optimize more content, you are more likely to rank higher in the SERP results.
Your articles must comply with the SEO checklist to rank well. Appropriate Word Count, target audience, and goals are critical to achieving the desired outcomes.
Hire an SEO Company in India that helps you rank your articles and blog posts on search results.