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Negative Marketing – Nipping the evil in the bud!

Ever wondered what makes a business reach to the top?

Of course, happy customers!

But, what makes them coming back?

Or, for that matter, what makes people switch to your business and opt for your product and/or service offerings from the wide basket of options available in front of them?

Well, it’s the way your brand is marketed!

Needless to mention, just like the online world has the power to create a brand, it has the power to destroy one too, that too in a jiffy. This black hole can really blow up in your face, if not tackled wisely. From blue chip companies to start ups – almost everyone has to bear the brunt of negative marketing at least once. But, is it received with gratitude? Surely, not!

A guest that leads to the lost of customers, reputation and revenue is definitely an unwelcomed one! So, what should you do to nip the evil in the bud?


Plan and prepare to deal with negative marketing well in advance to limit the damages it might bring along with itself. So that just in the implausible event of you being in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, taking the right remedial action becomes easier.

The Call of Duty

Make relationships, not sales

Start with the basics. A happy customer will never advertise something negative about you, and vice versa. So, train your staff to treat your customers in such a manner that they only add more stars to your reputation, not ruin it. After all, your employees are the heralds of your company!

Handle customer complaints in a courteous manner and never overlook any concern – no matter how small it is. Treat your customers right, build relationships that are based on considerateness and you will find endless positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Try it and see for yourself!

Remember – You cannot NOT Communicate!
So, you are having a tough time managing the negative marketing of your business?
Tried every single thing to no avail?
Well, guess what?

One thing that you can not fail at and which will never let you down is ‘Communication’.

In a situation of negative marketing crises, communication can help you manage the situation with ease. Be confident and share your standpoint with your customers, target audience and the online community at large. If something is done wrong on your part, apologise politely and inform the world what will be your course of action to rectify the mistake.

People are generous and forgiving. So, the moment you amend relations with a heartfelt apology, you will not really have to skip town.
Make positive communication your ally and you will never have to be alone in the wars of the digital world.

Resurrect your online brand

One of the most effective ways to ward off the effects of negative marketing is to bring positive marketing to the front. Make things hard for those who like to keep digging for dirt in order to demean your business. Promote positive stories about your business on online communities, forums and stick to the core job of keeping your customers satisfied.

Opt for effective Online Reputation Management measures to treat any defamatory campaign or pejorative comments before it gets too late. Don’t let the haters bring your brand down with the negative vendetta against your company.

Hire experts who can manage your brand to improve your company’s digital footprint, and let your company’s search engine results stay ‘good’ forever!

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