Running a business is not an easy task. You need to be on your toes, always! From managing your staff at odd shifts, to taking care of the expenses in such a manner that your profits don’t get hurt, everything needs to be looked after thoroughly. And, it becomes all the more difficult if your business is just a start up and you wish to grow it as quickly as you can. In fact, one thing that is common amongst many start-ups is that all of them want to expand, but they have little to no money for marketing.
This is where these simple yet fabulous marketing strategies work wonders. Take a look at these powerful marketing methods, and you will never really have to worry about your marketing budget!
1. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
More than a decade has passed that this strategy came on-board in the online world. But no such competitor ever came that could steal its thunder. Reason? Well, because Search Engine Optimisation is not only about how well your website ranks on the popular search engines. SEO is a vast area that comprises of many facets. To be able to make the most of the World Wide Web, companies will always have to invest their money in SEO or hire SEO expert who knows his job well. And, this does not need to be a costly affair. In order to see effective rankings, even a minimal investment in this tactic could yield great results in the long time. In fact, businesses that don’t want to tap national markets can go for local SEO which is a more reasonable option than national SEO and is a great one to draw local customers.
2. Content Marketing
There will be hardly anybody in the digital marketing field, who is not familiar with the power of content. Such is the brilliance of Content Marketing that it has become the cornerstone of almost every successful digital strategy. From giving your brand a much needed recognition in the virtual world, to being the catalyst for all your SEO, SMO and other marketing activities, content is definitely ubiquitous. You don’t need to spend big bucks on high-quality content. A little bit of creativity and fitting content writing somewhere in your busy schedule will certainly help you reach to the pinnacle of online marketing success.
3. Social Media Marketing
Can your business effectively take the social signals and turn them into opportunities? If not, then it is extremely important that you give the strength of social media marketing to your brand. It’s simple. It’s almost free (as long as you don’t go for the premium features that the social media sites offer today). You can be in front of your potential customers on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and anywhere else if your target audience is there! Engage with your existing customers as well as the prospects and you will definitely give your business the much needed boost to grow fast.
4. Tools
The world of internet is full of interesting tools that can help businesses to save money and time on marketing efforts. For those who are looking for some free SEO tools, the web has a long list for sure. If you need tools to measure the success of your content strategy, then these 9 Content Analytic Tools can really help you choose the right one for your business. Likewise, if you need to leverage the Twitter marketing campaign of your business, then these tools here can help you do so effectively.
5. Customer Referrals
In the inescapable sphere of websites, your customers can help you bring more customers! Sounds strange, isn’t it? Well, don’t be confused. This is cent per cent true, and companies like Uber, Ola and Airbnb are great examples of the success that customer referral programs bring to a business. This marketing strategy, which encourages customers to refer their friends to go for a particular product or service, is picking up pace quite impressively. So, if your business is willing to spend a minimal amount of money on a great marketing strategy then this is what you must try! All that you need to do is to create an ingenious referral program which gives a little incentive or discount to the source and/or the recipient of the recommendation and you will see the golden ‘word-of-mouth’ technique working at its best.
So, what do you think will be the most effective marketing strategy for your business? Share your thoughts with us. Let the world rejoice the power of exchanging views and experiences.