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Why Fake Reviews On Google Are A Big NO?


Almost every marketer now knows how useful reviews are for SEO. But since not everyone is able to get them, some have now started producing fake reviews. While these make seem a good way now for your SEO and business but in the long run this can lead to dire consequences. Google guidelines are clearly against this practice.

Some main ways in which accepting or creating fake reviews can hurt your company include:

*     How it effects the SEO company: Any SEO Company that is allowing this practice or creating fake reviews on its own first stands a risk of hurting its online reputation. There have been a number of cases when people have gone through a company’s reviews and actually posted negatively on Google listings against them calling them fabricated or fake straight on.

Another risk this involves is more serious and good have legal consequences. Lawyers have claimed that SEO companies that are misleading people with fake reviews can be held liable for legal claims in many cases.

*     How it effects a small company and its owner: Any business that is partaking in the practice of fake reviews has also many risks involved. Similar to the fate of SEO companies’ people may call out a small business on the internet for posting fake reviews and it could lead to others not trusting it and negative comments. Secondly this also has legal consequences as a business could face lawsuits for misleading information.

Seeing these things it is always better for a SEO company or small business to not use fake reviews. You may think that you are not caught now but if ever you eventually are things can go downhill very fast. So always go the ethical way. We, as offshore outsource SEO services providers, understand very well the important of ethical SEO practices. We have helped a number of agencies all over the globe in achieving high ranks via white hat SEO methods. With a pool of SEO expert India professionals, we are capable of handling multiple projects at a time. If you are also looking for a reliable offshore outsource SEO partner, get in touch with us and we will be happy to assist.

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