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Tips to Find the Most Profitable Keywords

Keyword Research

Search has become the prerequisite for nearly everything we do online. And what differentiates a good searcher from a not so good one is the level of understanding for settling for best phrase that represents the problem we’re trying to solve or the question we’re trying to answer. This is exactly what defines and drives the keyword research in PPC and SEO.

For instance, let’s say you run a website that sells the latest mobile phones. Imagine yourself as the user who is looking for a good mobile device to buy online. What keywords would he/she type in? Now this question forms the basis of your keyword research. You need to step into the shoes of the user who is looking for the product you are selling.

How to find the most profitable keywords

When you start predicting the keywords your customers are using, you’re going to end up with a very, very long list. This may create great confusion but don’t worry. The longer your list of keywords, the wider the array of customers you’ll reach. Let’s start by narrowing things down a little bit. You can find the audience that’s most interested in your product or service by understanding the three major groups of online searchers:

1. Informational searchers: These are the people who are looking for gathering general information on a particular topic. Usually, these are not the potential customers.

2. Comparison searchers: These are definitely interested in your product, but they’re still at the research stage, checking out reviews and comparing prices.

3. Buyers: They know exactly what they want and are looking for the perfect store to make the purchase.

So you need to study the keywords very carefully they type in to tell which of these three groups a person is in. As a general rule of thumb, the more specific the search, the closer they are to the “Buyer” group.

For instance, the three different types of people searching for mobile phones:

An information seeker will generally search for keywords containing just one or two words with no modifiers:

  • Mobile
  • Mobile Phone
  • Smartphone

A comparison shopper is a bit more specific, using modifiers for a greater depth of information:

  • iPhones
  • Samsung Mobile Phones
  • Latest Mobile Phones
  • Compare Mobile Phones

Finally, the buyer is very specific, often using the results of his previous research in the keywords:

  • Buy 5.5 inch Mobile Phone
  • Buy iPhone 8
  • Buy Samsung Galaxy Note 8

The information and comparision keywords draw a lot more traffic than the purchasing keywords. However, the conversion rate of the later are much higher that the former two. So now you know how to look for potential keywords that will get you customers online.

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