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A Note on Google Search Console Sending Notices for Slow Loading Pages

With the objective to make websites more user-friendly Google now starts sending a new type of notices to websites with slow low speed who have verified properties in Google search console. Google already rolled out an update called Google speed update. This is aimed to reduce the ranking of the websites which are slow.

As promised by Google last year that website speed will be a ranking factor in Google algorithm is already placed for Google users in the U.S. Also, Google had warned last year that website with low load speed will be in radar. At the same time it was also stated that content relevancy should not be compromised for page speed.

As a result of slow loading speed of pages, certain crawling error can occur.

What are the Crawling Errors in Google Search Console and How to Fix Them?

Site Errors

The Site Errors section displays you errors from your website as a whole. Google will show you these errors for the last 90 days in the Crawl Errors dashboard.

DNS errors are important. The effects for your website, if you have severe versions of these errors is huge. You can fetch without rendering if you are only looking for the DNS connection status and are trying to act quickly. The slower process of Fetch and Render is beneficial.

A server error usually means that your server is taking too long to respond. Such errors may happen if your website gets overloaded with too much traffic for the server to handle. In order to avoid this, you need to make sure your hosting provider can scale up to accommodate sudden bursts of website traffic.

A Robots failure indicates that the Googlebot cannot retrieve your robots.txt file. If you wish to fix this problem, you must ensure that your robots.txt file is properly configured. Also, you might double-check which pages you are instructing the Googlebot to not crawl, as all others will be crawled by default.

URL Errors

  • URL errors are different from site errors. This is because they only affect specific pages on your site, not your website as a whole. Google Search Console will display you the top URL errors per category.
  • You need to ensure that the page is published from your content management system and not in draft mode or deleted in order to fix 404 errors.
  • You will need to remove the element which is blocking the Googlebot’s access, to fix access denied errors.

Few tips to increase page speed

  • Optimize Your Database

Your database can impact your page speed. With the addition of index, you may optimize your database for page speed improvements. This will help your database find information faster.

  • Minify your CSS and JS files

There are several ways to minify your files. The first way involves squeezing all of your files into one. Another aspect on minifying involves deleting white space and making your files smaller. WP Minify is a great plugin that automatically does all of this for you if you are using WordPress.

  • You may use the most important page speed tool

You now have access to “PageSpeed Insights” within Google Webmaster Tools. This tool scrutinizes a given URL’s page load speed, and gives you tips on how to make improvements.

You may optimize images and leverage browser caching. Also, avoid use of inline CSS and eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS. You may use the AMP version of your website and avoid URL redirects.

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