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Google Officially Increases Length Of Snippets In Search Results

Snippets In Search Results

The length of search snippets has always been a matter of concern and discussion among SEO experts. A snippet is the description of a page shown below the URL in an organic search result that helps show how it relates to the search query. The description which is technically known as “snippet” is one of the most important aspects to increase the CTR of any website. The more you can tell your searchers at a first glance, the better it is. And for this one needs a longer snippet length.

Now Google has confirmed that it has changed the way it displays snippets in search results.

A Google spokesperson confirmed:

We recently made a change to provide more descriptive and useful snippets, to help people better understand how pages are relevant to their searches. This resulted in snippets becoming slightly longer, on average.

Here is a screen shot highlighting the description snippet of a Google search result:

It has been noticed by many during the past week that the snippets were longer.

RankRanger has been tracking these as well, and according to its tools, the snippet length has grown from 160 characters to almost 230 characters on average. Here is the growth chart:

To deal with the latest updates introduced by Google, every company needs a professional agency with trained executives to handle SEO and Adwords ads for better ROI. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable outsource SEO India company or Google Adwords management services company, get in touch with us. We have a pool of experienced professionals who may help you increase your company’s ROI.

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