Mobile SEO refers to the search engine optimization of websites that is combined with flawless viewing on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. After all, a vast population of Internet users now report surfing websites through their mobile devices daily. Google is already favouring the mobile friendly sites.
Brands that want to drive sales growth through organic lead generation certainly need to put mobile SEO at the top of their digital to-do list.
Few Tips for Better Mobile SEO
Mobile First – It is now essential to use a mobile-first approach. Basically, the search engine will use the mobile version of your content to rank pages from your site. To continue to rank, you will require a mobile friendly design and SEO mobile content. Else, you may find that your site experiences a drop in it’s rankings.
Learn More:
How Can You Make Your Content Better for Mobile First Index?
Google’s New Mobile Search Results Layout
Strategies To Make Mobile First Indexing A Success
Responsive Web Design – One of the reasons to think mobile first is that if you choose to go down the recommended route of having a responsive site, then it is important to think about how all the content is going to be delivered.
Increasing Mobile Potential – It is essential to ensure that your site is well-built and fast, otherwise everything else is merely a waste of time. When planning a site, usability should come very high up on the list of things to get it right. If you have ever spent any time on a mobile jabbing at impossible-to-click buttons as they’re so tiny or scrolling your way around, you will know how annoying it is.
Mobile Landing Pages – These should appear different to a desktop landing page and if possible be quite minimalistic. A strong CTA should be visible towards the top of the page. This could be a ‘call us’ button, so that anyone looking for your business locally can call while they are out and about to see if you have what they need.
Location- If your business is one that relies on the local people, then it’s more important than ever to ensure that you use local SEO. You need to register with Google Places, ensure that you get reviews and that your business uses local web directories.
Analytics and Testing – It is essential to note at this point that going mobile first doesn’t mean that you should neglect the desktop site. It is time we approach the web and decide how we market and design for it holistically, taking every scenario into consideration.
Mobile SEO should not be ignored and those that do so will lose out. There is a lot of opportunity to be had if you are developing a new site, particularly when you consider that only a small percentage of business worldwide have responsive sites. This means that the business that gets it right and creates a seamless mobile-desktop experience for the user will get ahead in the competition hands down.
For availing such services, you may get in touch with us. We are a well-known Digital Marketing Company in India, providing high – quality SEO Services.