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Keys for Creating Powerful SEO Content In 2019

SEO or search engine optimization is the practice of attracting high quality and quantity traffic to your website or page. This is one of the key elements that help your page to get its ranking on major search engines like Google or Yahoo. With several Google updates last year, it has become a little challenging to achieve higher ranking but content is still the king in this arena. Through high quality content and its optimization, you can surely win this race. Let us take a look on some of the key factors that can make your content more powerful and help in SEO maximization.

Better Keywords

One of the elemental aspects that heavily affects the SEO of a page is the type of keywords that have been used on that particular page. Keywords are highly important and the SEO expert must decide them with due care. It is important to conduct in-depth analysis of searchers who use these keywords on search engines before determining any keywords. This will help you to get an idea what exactly they look for and will allow you to pick the right and most effective set of keywords for your pages. This further contributes in boosting your online visibility.

Content Quality

As said earlier, content is king and will remain to be king in digital marketing landscape. Websites or pages with high quality and well researched information quickly hold on to audience. Clicking on the link is not the only aspect to get ranking but how much time users are spending in reading the content also adds up. Search engines like Google also takes close note of this aspect and give better visibility to pages with rich content.


Having just informative content is not sufficient. It is important that the information is written or presented in a more readable way. This factor decides the final and overall look of the page. The kind of font size and color you choose, the color of background etc. make a big difference to the readability. These tiny factors also help in attracting huge traffic to website and boost the SEO efforts.


Images are quite important to make a page look more attractive and give information in a more ingestible or easy form. It also adds that extra flavor to your website. Having colorful and useful images on your website can help attract a high volume of searchers and hence boost your SEO index. Make sure you upload attractive but watermark free images on your website but it should not hamper the loading speed of your website in any way.

Authentic Citing

People nowadays look for original and authentic information. Dependability is quite important. Google often blacklist pages that provide fake information, hence you must provide only authentic citing.

By considering all these factors, you will be able to write highly SEO friendly content. If you find it difficult then contact Brandconn Digital that also offers content services at affordable prices.

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