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Reactive & Proactive—All About Online Reputation Management Services

Online Reputation Management

With more and more companies going online, it has become essential for business owners to establish themselves online. Online reputation management (ORM) plays a crucial role when it comes to establish and maintain a positive image online without which it can be really challenging to attract the online consumers. There are two complementary branches of ORM, proactive and reactive. Companies which are able to take control of their online actions can ensure to enjoy a pleasant virtual landscape, in contrary to those with negative actions.

Reactive Reputation Actions

In a business context, the word or notion of reactive is not considered to be good and this is simply because a reactive business owner is always at a higher risk of losing his/her prestige. However, the scenario is completely opposite in case of ORM. Here it is considered not only necessary but also positive. Some of the reactive actions are given below:

  • Monitoring online conversations about your brand
  • Responding to customer complaints or praising them
  • Monitoring online trends to be used for enhanced customer service

In order to proactively manage the online presence of a company, it is critically important to monitor online conversations that can take place on various platforms. Keep a check on any kind of negative comment and try to respond it quickly with an apt response.

Proactive Reputation Actions

Proactive ORM includes taking vital actions to establish and secure a positive online reputation. This not only establish a secure brand image but also make it strong enough to overcome negativity. Some of the proactive actions are given below:

  • Use of social media
  • Blogging
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Microsite Creation
  • Content Marketing

By setting and implementing methodological strategy after using all different element of proactive and reactive approach, companies will not only gain a positive image but also become primary choice of the consumers.

If you find it quite challenging, or don’t have sufficient time to devote on this you can always contact Brandconn. We are a reputed digital marketing company in india, that truly understands the in and out of digital world.  Our exceptional online reputation management services can help your business enjoy a positive online reputation thereby increasing its credibility as well as growth.



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