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Revolutionary SEO Trends That Matters the Most Now

SEO Trends

To be atop the waves, you must think about your SEO strategy well in advance. A shortcut to success: get to know the upcoming SEO trends and execute them smartly to leverage maximum benefit. Google has already shaken the digital marketing arena with its mobile and speed related efforts. Below are some of the SEO trends which you must know as a marketer or entrepreneur.

Mobile-first indexing

In a nutshell, mobile-first indexing means that Google uses the mobile version of your website for ranking and indexing. Since March 2018, Google has started the process of migrating sites to mobile first index which may seem a little complicated to some website owners.

A mobile-first index does not mean it is just mobile-only but it means that it has mobile friendly version. However, the whole mobile-first buzz means that Google will be using primarily mobile versions for ranking purpose.

Page speed

Google is known for delivering the best UX and delivering it fast. Desktop page loading time has become a crucial ranking defining factor. Those sites that takes a high speed in loading will be likely to get poor ranking and you certainly don’t want it, right?

The websites are graded based on optimization and speed. The speed score is generated which shows how your site loads for each visitor. Hence, you must focus on creating a fast loading website, to enjoy high Google ranking.


It is quite annoying when our inbox gets filled with GDPR and privacy policy mails. GDPR is General Data Protection Regulation that was passed by European Union. It regulates a very nagging issue-who owns the data that is created by users’ conversation online.

Users can now actually request to see what personal data the company carries about them and ask for correction or export as well. If a company doesn’t comply with this regulation, it can be charged with hefty fines. Hence, you must consider this factor as well, while trying to push your website on internet.

The above SEO trends are crucial as well as beneficial, if kept in mind and integrated effectively in the digital marketing efforts. We at Brandconn Digital, believes in staying on top in this digital arena and the same thing we do for our clients.

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